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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!

The lovely Isla (from http://scribblingsbyme.blogspot.com/nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! What a wonderful surprise !!!

Thank you so much! :D - I truly appreciate it dearly!!!

If you've never heard of the award, basically, all it takes to win is to be nominated. It's a great way of spreading the word about blogs you like and think are worthy of recognition! 

There are a few rules for when you're nominated, which I presume have been adapted a little bit from the official ones

  • Tell everyone you were nominated!
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Choose 7 blogs you like and nominate them for the award (you can't nominate the person who nominated you).
  • Let them know you nominated them!
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
 Thank you so much Isla!

My nominations in Alphabetical Order

1. Ben @ http://simsotherside.blogspot.be///

2. Gwen @ http://gwenthekillerchicken.blogspot.dk/

3. Isla @ http://scribblingsbyme.blogspot.com/

4. Judyree @ http://judyree.blogspot.com/

5. Margie @ http://margiessims.blogspot.ie/

6. MartyP @ http://www.btbsims3.blogspot.ca/

7. Nicki @ http://perfektmoments63.blogspot.com/

I think you are all Amazing!!! Wish I could add more to the list !

Here are 7 Facts about Myself !!!

1. My favorite holiday is Halloween 
2. I love scary movies
3. I see ghost
4. I love cooking and eating every chance I get
5. I love playing the Wii with my family
6. Im 5ft 6
7. I can bend my right thumb all the way backwards
Ha ha , lol there's more, but I think this was a great start!!! lol


Expressions Lip Colour

Expressions Lip Colour, is beautiful in ALL Shades and Opacities!!! Gives just the right amount of moisture and tint for your sims lips! Choose what shade is right for your Sim with Expressions! Created with TSR Workshop, 3 channels , Only Base game is Required, game updated to latest Patch, Teen-Elder

(Note: Color shades being shown in picture is at a low Opacity. When in CAS slide the Opacity bar to the left for this level of saturation if you like!)